Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Letters {11.16.12}

I seriously can't believe it's the weekend already. Time is flying by this year. I'm so not ready for the Christmas season. I love Christmas but another year has disappeared.

Dear Husband, I'm glad you traded last weekend to go riding for the last time, but I really wish you were going to be off tomorrow. I want to spend time with you.
Dear Said Time that is Flying by, slow down a little please. It seems like I haven't enjoyed this year at all. My 27th birthday is going to be here before you know it. I'm for sure not ready for that!
Dear Mom & Dad, I know you're going to be Christmas shopping soon. Please remember the list I gave you. I gave it to you for a reason. Altough I will love whatever you choose to gift me!
Dear Thanksgiving, I am looking forward to you next week. I will be writing you another letter next week probably hating you for making me so sick from eating too much. But that's ok. Let's enjoy the day together!
Dear Amie {co-worker}, please come back from Mexico. I'm so jealous of you right now that I don't want you to be able to enjoy it either. I am going to be soooo envious of your tan! But I hope you are having fun!
Dear Winter Weather, please just wait a little longer. I love fall so much and you're killing all the mums and making all the pretty leaves disappear.
Dear Husband, you're the best man I could ask for. You may not be perfect, but you're perfect for me.
the hubs and i at a browns game two weekends ago <3



  1. you guys are just sooo darn adorable:)

    have a great weekend my dear!

  2. Newest Follower from Happy Wife in Nola!


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