Monday, January 21, 2013

Under Construction {for now}


I know this is probably going to lose me some readers...I'm sad that you will go...but I am going to be down for a while. I have a vision for the blog and I want to get it right. So, I'm going to take my time and revamp. Come back with a new design, new theme, and hopefully more interesting stuff for you to read.

Right now, I have no vision for where this blog is going. To me, it seems to mundane, so every day, so boring. I want it to be exciting with lots of giveaways and interesting stuff.

I hope you stick around to see what's coming but I understand if you decide to leave. I'll love you anyway...and maybe you'll end up coming back!

Thank you for understanding. XOXOXO


  1. You'll stay in my reader, so when you come back, we'll just say "Hello again" ;-)

  2. I can't wait to see what you have brewing. =] I will be waiting right here when you get back.


  3. I'm not going anywhere - as your "sponsee" or your friend! If you want help with your blog design, I'm totally game! I'm no expert by any means but I find it really fun all the same:)



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