Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Walk Through the Candy Cane Forest

"And then...I traveled through the candy cane forest"...Buddy the Elf
Materials Needed:
1. Styrofoam Trees
2. Peppermints (I got mine at the dollar tree)
3. Hot Glue Gun
These are what my mints looked like.

Cover the back of a mint with hot glue and stick it to the styrofoam tree.

I had a gap in between my mints, but that was ok with me. If you dont want that to be as obvious, you could cover your tree with felt or fabric. You could also paint them if you wanted to.

You can layer them any way that you want. The mints aren't uniform in size. I tried to do place the 2nd row in the gaps of the first row and it didn't end up working out that way so I just placed them randomly.

You can either glue a veritcal mint on the top like I did or you could lay one flat to hide the flat top. I searched every where for cones that had a pointy top and they just don't sell them unless you make them yourself.


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