Thursday, November 10, 2011

you're inviting all of us to dinner....hmmm

so, the first thing i will expand on is my mother-in-law returning home from iraq.....well let me tell you a little history of this story here for a second....
when i met mike, his mom had already been deployed to iraq. she is a captain in the army reserves...she is a surgical nurse. she is such an inspiration to me....i am proud to call her my mother-in-law. so anyways, she was gone when mike and i first started dating....while he moved to oklahoma....and asked me to marry him. i had never met his mom before we got engaged....a little crazy!!!!
she started her second tour in iraq i believe....forgive me if im january of this she has been gone majority of the year. we communicated with her through facebook, email, and phone. so for a couple weeks before she surprised us that she was home, tom had been telling us that he didnt think she was going to be home in time for our trip to mexico!!!! {eep-which im very excited about}we were all pretty bummed out because of course she is a big part of this family and missy wanted her mom to be there for her wedding. well....the other night tom decided that he was going to have us over for dinner and he was going to invite missy and josh. now, him asking us to eat with him wasnt the thing that gave it away since we normally ate dinner with him every night....what semi gave it away was that he was asking missy and josh over to HIS house to have dinner and HE was going to COOK for US?!?!!?? hmmmm....something fishy is going on...haha. so mike was still at work and he decided he was going to go for a run afterwards so i walked over to my in-laws house {which is literally down the street from our house now} to get some exercise. apparently i almost ruined the surprise because they were planning on both of us coming together and didnt hear the garage door open when i came in. i walked in the door and josh was already there...which was strange too because i knew missy had to work that night...and tom had his camera out and was like..." just taking pictures tonight...turn around and act surprised ????" so i walked in and set my stuff down and OUT POPPED LISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yipper skipper!!!!!!!!!! what an awesome surprise. were so glad to have her home!

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