about me

hey there! i'm danielle and i want to thank you so much for visiting my blog!
i'm just a wife who would love to share the journey of life with you. it wasn't until recently that i started to pursue this passion and it has turned into this blog {{the color of joy}}. i am trying to set aside more time to get more involved with this blog instead of writing a three hundred page novel every time i blog. teehee
i write about anything that has to do with the things i love in life, my goals, and sometimes personal struggles. i am so excited to share with you.  

i'm married to the greatest man in the world who is so encouraging, smart, and oh so very handsome! ;)

together we love so many different things that again i'm so excited to share with you...oh yes...and our lil' son Quincey....

isn't he the cutest? love him.

a few interesting and slightly weird things about me....

1. i'm an only child.

2. i have a slight obsession with graham crackers in milk....like cereal

3. i like to sew even though i have no idea what i'm doing most of the time.

4. i love to read.

5. i lived in oklahoma for a litte bit.

6. sometimes i eat chocolate for breakfast.

7. i love helping others.

7. i talk to myself out loud all day long.

8. i love games! any games, let's play something!

10. most importantly i love Jesus with all my heart!


  1. Following you now from the Blog Hop! I'm looking forward to reading your posts :)

  2. I always seem to be going and eating chocolate for breakfast haha! You are not alone!


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