Monday, December 17, 2012

Weight Loss {week 6}

Here we go, gearing up for Christmas. I'm nervous about keep the weight down due to all the cookies and such. But, I'm determined to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm not expecting to lose much but I am expecting to maintain. NO GAINING! {if I do, it's ok but my goal is not to obviously}

Start Date: 11/5/12
Total Weight Loss Goal: 55 lbs

Last Weigh in Date: 12/3/12
Total Overall Weight Loss: 14.2 lbs

Todays Date: 12/17/12
Weight Loss: 4.6 lbs

Total Weight Loss to Date: 18.8 lbs
Pounds Left to Lose: 36.2 lbs

Sorry about the horrible pictures. I couldn't find my memory card for my camera so my husband had to take them with my cell phone. They are blurry and not straight on. Next time I will make sure they are better. This week I really noticed it in my face and neck and maybe shoulders. Isn't it always that you lose where you don't want to first. I want to get rid of that muffin top and little pouch sticking out! It'll happen though. I sort of took a little break from working out {except my running which I do Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday} and doing strength training. So I'm not tightening up as much as I'd like to. We are just sooooo super busy right now that I don't MAKE the time to do it.

We're getting there people!!


  1. Congratulations on doing so good on losing weight! I'll link this post up to my blog on Wednesday for my usual Weight Loss Wednesday post. :o) Esther Norine Designs

  2. You are doing so awesome! You're face looks much slimmer just from last week! That is a good idea to just try not to gain anything during the holidays, I am attempting to do the same, but it is difficult!

  3. You look great! I was going to say the same thing about your face, it is absolutely a great change! I try to park the furthest from the mall, grocery store, etc to give myself a little extra burn while shopping. Also, I try not to snack while I'm baking. I know that is the hardest thing, but I bake small quantities to take to parties, etc and keep very few baked goods at home as a temptation. Good Luck -


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