Friday, August 3, 2012

Let's Swap! {what'da you say?}

I've been trying to come up with ideas on how to get involved with you guys and to get you guys to meet new friends! I tried the link-up thing. I don't know. It seems so over done?! Right?! Right!
I think that a swap would be so much fun! I have been involved in these in the past and I can't begin to tell you how stressful FUN it is to shop for a complete stranger! In all seriousness...I loved every minute of it?! Yes?! What do you think?

Please leave me some feedback! I love you all and want you to feel the love back! Muuuwahhh


  1. I think that would be so fun. If you decide to do it, count me in!! :) -Mia

    1. Awesome!! I'm so happy to hear all of this!! :)

  2. I love the swaps! Loved getting to know you and so many wonderful girls.
    I'd love to help, you know how to reach me! :)

  3. Replies
    1. :) Good I'm so glad!! I want to get lots of people involved!!

  4. Awesome!! So glad you're interested!! I can't wait to start and spread the word!

  5. I don't think there are ENOUGH swaps on here, lol. I absolutely love them! Let me know if you end up doing one! I'd love to participate :)

    1. :) I will definitely let ya know! I will be doing one for sure...just trying to figure out what will attract the most people! :)

  6. Hi Danielle!
    I nominated you for the Liebster Award!!! Be sure to stop by and read my Liebster Award post from today! Hoping your weekend is off to a great start! xo

    1. Thanks sweetheart!!! I will for sure check out the post! :) xo

  7. I'd absolutely LOVE to do a swap. I've never done one but I've always, always, ALWAYS wanted to! Count me in :)

    Miss V's Busy Bees


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