Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Letters {11.9.12}

Sign up for the ornament swap {here}'s Friday. I don't know about you but it's been a crazy week here. I think my Holiday spirit is creeping up because I'm getting stressed about Christmas shopping! What? I never get stressed. I don't have that many people to buy for. Hmm...on to my letters!

Dear Husband, I'm so glad you're home this week. Last week was quite awful with you gone. I know you're going to school, but seriously...let's convince them to pay for me to go along next time!
Dear Rain, GO AWAY!!!!! I know you're here because of Sandy but it's time to go away. Either that or let your friend snow come instead. Snow is a lot less wet and much prettier. {ask me again in a couple months}
Dear 5K training, I'm starting to love you. At first I wasn't sure but now I am convinced that I can do it. Plus, I have some lbs to lose before Christmas. That was my goal and I want to stick to it.
Dear said lbs, c'mon. I know you have someone else to "hang out" with. We've been friends for far too long and it's time to part ways. Somehow you seem to show up in all of my Friday letters. I want to stop writing about you!
Dear Work Friends, I am so happy I get to come to work with you every day! I really mean that!
Dear Hair Color, why do you keep fading? I'm sick of redoing you every couple weeks. I thought I was using the right kind of shampoo but I'm going to have to re-evaluate.
Dear Readers, I have some great tutorials coming up...stay tuned!!
Dear Husband, thanks for putting up with me. You know how much I love to cuddle even though it's not your entire favorite. I think it should be since it's with me buuuuut I guess we can't all be the same. I love you anyway!

My best duck face. C'mon girls it's not that cute!

The winners of my 300 follower giveaway are....drum roll please....
1. Pillow covers and a Large Ad Space -Brielle D.
2. Ad Space and $10 Credit to issa.ino:handmade -Alisha F.
3. $25 gift card from Starbucks - Rachel
4. Small Ad Space on Life of a Not so Ordinary Wife - Laura B.
5. Large Ad Space + on Classy Living - Elle
6. Ad Space from Life in a Breakdown - Whitney M.
7. $15 credit to eleven design - Nicole L.
You all will be receving an email soon!! Please check for it!

1 comment:

  1. Since you are sending the rain away, could you please send it over here? It's mighty dry here in the desert. :)


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