Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Our "love" Story {my bestie that is}

So this girl is coming to see me tomorrow! I can't believe it!

This is Jessica and she lives in Oklahoma! She is my absolute best friend in the whole world! Her and I are basically the same person just in different bodies and 900 miles apart! At one point my husband said he felt like he was married to us both because we were inseperable! I miss her oh so much. It's been 1 year 8 months and 15 days since I've seen her in person. We have talked, texted, and skyped to keep in touch!

From the moment we first started talking, I knew we were going to be friends for life. She has some cranberries that she was eating in class and I asked her what she was eating. She said cranberries and then asked if I wanted any. I proceeded to tell her that I don't eat anything like that that's not covered in chocolate. {honest truth}

We were in the Children's Ministry classes together at RHEMA so we got to spend a lot of time together. We were always partners for every project. I love her to death. I tried to pack her in the U-Haul so she would come live with us here in Ohio, but she some how snuck out before I closed the gate! :)

Can't wait to have fun with her!


  1. Aww...reminds me of my bestie! Before I started dating my boyfriend, I would call her hubby babe and tell people the 3 of us were in a relationship only that I just didn't participate in all the extra activities. LOL
    Have lots of FUN, take TONS of pictures! Can't wait to read about it later! :)

    1. I will take lots of pictures! :) I need to hire a photographer to follow us around!

  2. You ladies are so cute!! I just LOVE that Thing 1 & 2 photo! Have fun on your reunion with her!! :D

  3. I love all the pics! So glad you are going to see your bestie. Have a GREAT time!


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