Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Letters {7.20.12}

I can't believe it's Friday again already! This week has gone so fast.

 Please, if you haven't already done so, enter the giveaway for some awesome stuff. I will announce the winners tomorrow! It ends tonight at midnight so go on and check it out!

Dear Husband, you are the love of my life! I can't believe we have spent four wonderful years together! You have blessed me with a love that no one else can give me. Thank you for loving me!

Dear Body, you listened ever so pleasantly {or not}. Body is back to normal everyone!

Dear 100 Follower Giveaway, you have been a success! Can't believe you're over already!

Dear Rain, I loved you ever so much this week! However, if you could hold off for the weekend so I can enjoy the Hall of Fame Balloon Launch, I would appreciate it. K? Thanks!

Dear Car, I am trying to sell you so I can get a more grown up car! It's been a lovely "ride," but I just don't love you the way I used to! It's time for us to part!

Dear Jessica {friend that lives in Oklahoma}, I am so looking forward to seeing you in exactly 30 days!

Dear Diet that I'm starting on Monday, please don't make me hungry because that's when I fail miserably at my diet!

Dear Weekend, please be the best that you can be {in the Army Reserves} because I want to enjoy you and if you stink then I won't be able to! :)

Dear Starbucks Addiction, you will no longer be an addiction as of Monday. We have to part ways! {for now}

I hope you all have a great weekend! I can't wait to post pictures from the Balloon Launch on Saturday! It's going to be so much fun!



  1. I took a break on my diet for two weeks and going back to it on monday! What do you say about following each other and diet together?
    My Own Project

  2. love the letter to your husband! and diets are hard!!! good luck!

    1. Thanks Katie! Yes diets are extremely hard. Started today! Well see how it goes! :)


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